Lead Generation
Good Prospecting will change your income, it's that simple. The more leads you work the more sales you will make. But, more than that, you can get better at making sure that you are chasing the right leads. Here's how.....
In this coarse you will learn the basics and beyond about creating your own Lead Generation Machine.
Types of leads
Building a buyer persona (Ideal Client)
Creating a plan (with examples)
Lead Channels
Lead Nurturing
Lead Scoring
and Measuring Success
About the instructor: Joe Harris
First trained as a Forensic Interviewer by the Federal Government and working as a Detective and Task Force Officer to combat Crimes Against Children. He sat across the table from criminals and got them to tell him the worst. "Interrogations are essentially sales conversations, but instead of problems we can solve we are uncovering fact of a case."
Then Joe took his skills to the private sector working as a Senior Sales Engineer as he transformed an IT firm from Time and Material to MSP (monthly service plan). Leading that company to more than half a million in yearly recurring revenue.
Now Joe brings the skills it took him years to perfect to you, and teaches you one of the first and perhaps most important lessons, lead generation.